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Trusted by Brides
Find your perfect wedding style
Central place for all your wedding style needs
Dress style quiz
Our AI-stylist will recommend you the perfect dress style. No need to go anywhere or hop on a Zoom call.
- Best-in-class
- Fully tailored to you
- Every detail and desire considered
- Custom dress image created just for you
- 100% Free
Want to see how that particular dress style looks on you?
Try-On All Dress Styles
The only tool where you can see how YOU will look in different dress styles.
We'll create 40+ looks of You in different dress styles. No need to go to countless shops to try on all the silhouettes and colors.
Find your perfect dress style in minutes and save hours of searching.
Frequently asked questions
We've compiled a list of the most common questions we get asked about our Try-On tool. If you have any other questions, please feel free to reach out to us.
What do you do with my photos after training?
We train our AI model with input photos, render avatars then delete them and the models from our servers/GPU API's within 7 days. Beware of other apps - they store data forever & can generate images with your face. Some are even linked to foreign governments.
Why are your prices so high?
AI training is expensive, as it takes a lot of resources to train on a single subject. We offset these charges in our pricing. If you see any company charging less or free, understand these services earn money by selling your data. We do not.
Where is my data stored?
Data is stored securely on servers in the United States, by vetted, highly secure, third party partners of us.
Can I get a refund?
Yes, we can refund purchases made within the first 14 days, provided you haven’t trained the AI yet. After 14 days or once a plan is used, it is no longer eligible for a refund. Please refer to our Terms of Service for details.
What photo formats do you accept?
We support JPG, PNG, WebP, and HEIC but not AVIF or GIF.
Can I use my photos anywhere?
Yes, you can use your photos anywhere you want.